Food Certification
Ready to use right
from the start.

Are you providing one or a few of these Food Certification Standards to your clients and looking forward to optimizing your work?
(Global G.A.P., ISO 22000, HACCP, GMP, BRCGS, IFS, Organic Certification, Halal Certification, Fair Trade Certification, Non-GMO Project Verified, Rainforest Alliance Certification or UTZ Certification)
Zertic provides many food certification solutions that are ready to use from the start. The complete End-2-End workflow is built to be compliant with the following certification standards (X). Based on our many years of experience with clients, providing Food Certification services, we provide you with the Market’s best practices.
Why Zertic?
Zertic’s solutions are designed for the various requirements and processes involved in ensuring the safety, quality, and compliance of food products. With Zertic, you can manage your clients from the initial contact to the final certificate and invoice. Zertic will make your complete process up to 65% more efficient.
We support the different add-ons that are typically for food certification. Next to that the forms and certificates are category-based to manage the complete certification process. We provide geolocation to allocate the products and related certificates.
The advanced planning will keep track of the different production cycles of farming to make sure the audits are carried out during the different stages of farming.