In this Step by step tutorial you will be guided through the IA AM online self assessment solution from start to benchmark analyses. The tool offers you support on the different steps in evaluating your internal audit activity. The full roadmap consists of the following ‘destinations’.
* First you will fill in the Organizational Information. This information identifies your organization and IAF and gives you the filers for the benchmarking later on.
* The fundament of the tool is the Self-Assessment (SA), in which you assess (the level of) your current state and ambition on the different themes and topics.
* After that you will be able to generate and discuss the different reports within your team and with your stakeholders.
* Next ‘destination’ is using the benchmark, by submitting your SA-results and make the comparisons with similar organizations as you wish.
* Finally the tool offers the possibility to send in the SA as input for an external quality assessment (by giving access to your data to the external assessing organization).